Tuesday, 17 January 2012

MURoC 2012 PRIZES (Update)

Winner - RM 2,000.00 (For each category)

1st Runner Up - RM 1,750.00 (For each category)

2nd Runner Up - RM 1,500.00 (For each category)

Best Design Presentation Award - RM 500.00 (For each category)

Best Robot Design Award ** - RM 300.00 (For each category)

Microchip Special Award - RM 500.00

Best Booth Award - RM 500.00

Trophy for Overall Champion

** Atas sambutan yang menggalakkan, Jawatankuasa induk pertandingan telah bersetuju untuk memperkenalkan satu lagi kategori hadiah iaitu Anugerah Rekabentuk Robot Terbaik bagi setiap kategori pertandingan.

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